When I saw my friend,
Jeff's photos especially landcapes, I realize that I'd used to do landscape photography when I was still working as a Valuation Assitant. At that time, I was still using a film compact camera. I do a lot of landscape for landed properties & photomerge the photos which turn a wide angle which look like a fish eye. Those days, digital photography have not been born yet. So, lately, while doing my assigment here in KK, I snapped the city & Likas Stadium in a vertical position of 5/6 pics each angle with free hand, no tripod. Then I merged the photos in photoshop. And here's the result...Well, though it's not really perfect as I can see but worth it...
Likas Stadium
Likas Stadium
Kota Kinabalu City
this is nice i like the blue sky
without tripod!???? hahaha... live tripod tul ko ni Vic... salute!!
all the picture looks perfect...
I used to do this too when i was working with landscape company.. lens nda wide mau keseluruhan halaman urang kan, tepaksala snap bnyk kali, then sambung2 pakai Coral Draw sija.. hehehe... dulu i don't even know what is tripod and I dont know how to play with Photoshop.. and we capture using 1.3 digital camera saja.. well, bos sa puas hati juga... wakakaka
Greg, pakai polariser filter saja tu...
Bah Kuai, apa lagi, share2 la bah gmbar landscape ko...we're in the same boat juga bah...
hati2 dengan white balance dia.. it is possible to do panorama without tripod, the key is to make sure the picture have a bigger overlap range so that the computer can stitch the image easily and smoothly.
Thks Jeff, appreciate that...
sy impress! pefect sdh ni d mata sy hehe
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